Here are some basic information on this course:
-6 classes of 2 hours.
-2 continous assessments (classes 5 & 6).
-Topic: Leadership & Ethics, so you will debate on 1 or 2 motions in each class.
What about exams?
CC1: Writing a discursive essay (150-200 words) on one of the topics debated in class (1 hour - 50%).
CC2: Oral interaction - debating on 1 of the topics discussed in class, randomly picked (10 minutes of preparation, debating for 3 minutes - 50%).
If you have any question, please e-mail your teacher.
Good luck!
Here are some basic information on this course:
-8 classes of 2 hours.
-3 continous assessments (CC3 during classes 7 & 8).
-Topic: Job Interviews - you will learn how to get an interview through perfecting your CV and cover letter, how to prepare for the interview and ace it!
What about exams?
CC1: Writing a CV tailored to an internship offer (20%)
CC2: Writing a cover letter tailored to an internship offer (30%)
CC3: Oral interaction - imitate a real job interview (50%)
If you have any question, please e-mail your teacher.
Good luck!
This course is divided into 24 classes of 2 hours (12 hours S5 + 12 hours S6)
We will explore the topic of "Engineers in Society": from engineering careers to how are engineers seen by the public, with a little detour through the importance of ethics in engineering... plus a little bit of specialized language.
Semester 5:
You will be assessed during class 12 on 2 continuous assessments:
CC1: Writing a video report (5 to 8-minute video, 1h)
CC2: Writing the summary of an article (800-1200 word, reduced to 1/3, 1h)
Semester 6:
CC1: Writing a critical and comparative review of 2 vulgarized articles (800-1200 words each - 2h)
CC2: Oral presentation of your lab project (3 students max per group - 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions)
If you would like to check the official Syllabus, MCC and access autonomous platforms to help you with TOEIC, please visit the "Langues UPSSITECH" page.
To complete your training, and/or simply have fun, visit the Centre de Ressources en Langues (CRL)
You can also vist the MyCow website , the Streamglish website , or the Jove videos website (all are 100% free with your uni login and password!)
For any questions, please e-mail your teacher.
This module is composed of 6 classes.
You will get 2 continuous assessments at the end of it (classes 5 & 6):
-CC1 (10%): Reading a vulgarized article or 1 part of a scientific article, with questions. Around 30 minutes, during class 5.
-CC2 (20%): With a partner, present orally 1 part of a scientific article on one of the topics discussed in class. Class 6.
To complete your training, and/or simply have fun, visit the Centre de Ressources en Langues (CRL)
You can also vist the MyCow website , the Streamglish website , or the Jove videos website (all are 100% free with your uni login and password!)
For any questions, please e-mail your teacher.
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